1.25.05 Tuesday [no way]

“I’m sorry,” Reginald said as I walked in today. “I shouldn’t have given yew that file yesterday.”
“Why didn’t I remember all those things?” I asked.
“People usually don’t ‘member things that happened before they were born.”
“But it had to have come up in the trial. I remember everything else clearly, but all that other stuff…”
“Our brains have a habit of pickin’ and choosin’ memories, sometimes. Looks like yours threw away the ones it didn’t want.”
“But a heroin addiction?! How could I not remember her having that?”
“Prolly did it secretly. Yew may not remember cause you never saw it.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. I just don’t believe it,” I said adamantly. Reginald shrugged and continued,
“Yew know, some say that addiction runs in yo genes.”
“Isn’t your uncle an alcoholic?”
“Yes,” I admitted. "Both."
“I know yew don’t wanna hear this, Micah, but…” he began.
“It may be too late for your mom. Fighting an addiction after so long can be very hard,” he explained.
“And what, you want me to give up on her?”
“No. But yew need to start worrying about yew now…”
“You’ve got to fight your addiction before it’s too late.”
“What addiction?”
“That’s ridiculous. It’s something I have to do. It’s based on principle. I’m only taking back what’s mine. You can hardly call that an addiction.”
”Then stop.”
“Why should I? I’m not done.”
“Prove to me that yo in control.”
"Fine,” I said quickly. “I will.”
“Good. That means you’ll need a job. I’d suggest yew start lookin’ now.”
“Ok,” I complied, grabbing my coat and heading for the door. “By the way,” I said before leaving, “I won’t be coming tomorrow. I’m going to see my mom.”
“A good idea.”
“I just don’t see how all that information can be right. She’ll tell me the truth.”
“Do me a favor,” Judge Memphis said. “Tell her how you’ve raised all the cash for her lawyer.”
“Do it. Trust me.”

I nodded then, but there’s no way I’m telling mom. She’d disown me. That’s just the way she always was—moral, lawful, honest. That’s how I know that stuff just can’t be true. There’s no way.



At January 26, 2005 at 1:03:00 PM GMT-5, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said that you welcomed comments and ideas, so I just wanted to drop this. Somebody else steals something in the same fashion as Micah so Ben and Aaron and the Judge all think that he did it. So in order to clear his name, he must track down the tracer that is stealing and prove that it wasn't him (using his amazing PK skills of course).

Please keep up the amazing writing!!!!


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